Friday, April 24, 2009

Twitting just by thinking

For the un-initiated folks in twitter(I am one of you until few weeks back), you should first ask "what is twitter ?". Twitter is a kind of social networking tool where you post small messages(max 140 chars). Its like micro blogging and is a new fad of the world. People follow you to know your latest updates. It is a nice way to keep your friends and family updated. The small messages that you post are called twits. My loginid on twitter is 'sunilvirus'. So, you know where to follow me.

Engadget is running this article about a new human computer interface(HCI) where the user can type anything just by thinking about the alpahbet. The computer system will analyze your brain patterns and does the job of typing for you. Ofcourse, this technology can be used in many applications, but it seems the inventors of this gadget are obsessed with twitter. They developed an application to send twitter messages. See the below video for this technology in action. Do not have high expections thinking that you can type at the speed of thought. This is still in very nacent stages and is slow. Damn slow actually!

update: A related article from washingtonpost about a mindcontrol gadget.


Unknown said...

Well, you still sound like a newbie with twitter :P. In twitter jargon, the messages are called 'tweets' not 'twits' :)

PS: by the way, why do you force people to sign in before they can leave a comment. I generally go back when I see the sign in requirement.

Sunil said...

Wrong sources! you know. Thanks for correcting the apprentice. In the video, the word to send the 'tweets' is 'twit'. Grrrr.

And ya, I was worried about spam in the comments if login is not forced. May be I should try opening up and see. We do listen to our customers!